The future of the Internet depends on the continued growth of a solid and healthy underlying global network infrastructure supporting the demand for the next generation of the Internet using IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) as its communication protocol.
In the era of Internet of Things (IoT), without the extensive global adoption and successful deployment of IPv6 as the primary version of the Internet Protocol (IP), if not the only version of IP completely replacing IPv4, not only the future deployment and growth of IoT is impossible, but the future of the Internet itself is at stake.
Here are the five (5) reasons why:
In the era of Internet of Things (IoT), without the extensive global adoption and successful deployment of IPv6 as the primary version of the Internet Protocol (IP), if not the only version of IP completely replacing IPv4, not only the future deployment and growth of IoT is impossible, but the future of the Internet itself is at stake.
Here are the five (5) reasons why:
1. IoT needs more IP addresses than IPv4 can provide.
2. Cloud Computing also needs more IP addresses.
3. Adopting IPv6 only policy will dramatically reduce the cyber security threats and attacks.
4. IPv4 is only a beta version of the Internet.
5. It is a matter of leadership, vision, and competitive edge.
In summary, the future growth and successful deployment of IoT cannot be achieved without the successful global adoption and deployment of IPv6, without which, there is no future of the Internet of Things.
IPv6 is not only the future of IoT, but also the future of the Internet!
#IPv6, #IoT, #Internet, #IPv4, #SDN, #CloudComputing, #Cybersecurity